
What are Learning Styles?

Identify your learning style to improve academic success: visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. Better learning styles lead to improved performance, confidence, & reduced stress.

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Learning styles are the ways in which individuals process information and interact with their environment. They are how each person absorbs, processes, and retains information. Understanding your learning style can help you make the most of your time spent studying and help you achieve better academic success.

Learning Styles

Types of learning styles

There are three main types of learning styles: 

  1. Visual: Visual learners absorb information best when presented in a visual format. They learn best from charts, graphs, maps, gamification, and other visual aids. They are also great at remembering things they have seen or read.
  1. Auditory: Auditory learners prefer to learn through listening and speaking. They learn best from lectures, class discussions, and verbal instructions (i.e., remote learning). They also remember things they have heard much better than they have seen.
  1. Kinesthetic: Kinesthetic learners prefer to learn through doing and hands-on activities. They are more active and prefer to be engaged in hands-on tasks and movement. They learn best from physical demonstrations and by doing.

How to determine your learning style?

To determine your learning style out of  the major 3 learning styles, you can do the following things:

  • Take an online learning style quiz: Many online quizzes can help you determine your learning style. These quizzes usually ask questions about your study habits and preferences to determine your learning style.
  • Pay attention to your study habits: Observe how you learn best and what methods you use to retain information. If you prefer visual aids, you may be a visual learner. If you like to take notes and listen to lectures, you may be an auditory learner. And if you learn best through hands-on activities, you may be a kinesthetic learner.
  • Reflect on past academic experiences: Think back on your past academic experiences and how you learned best. Were you able to remember information better when you saw it, heard it, or did it? This can give you insight into your learning style.
  • Try different methods: Experiment with different methods of studying and see which ones work best for you. For example, try using visual aids, taking notes, or participating in hands-on activities. Pay attention to which methods help you retain information better.
  • Get feedback from others: Ask friends, family, or teachers about your learning style. They may have also noticed patterns in how you learn and retain information that you haven't.

How to adapt your studying methods to match your Learning Style?

Once you have determined your learning style, you can tailor your studying methods to suit your learning style better. For example, if you are a visual learner, you can create mind maps or diagrams to help you understand information. If you are an auditory learner, you can listen to audio recordings or participate in study groups. And if you are a kinesthetic learner, you can try hands-on activities such as role-playing or building models.

Tips for students with different Learning Styles

Different learning styles require different techniques for success. Here are some tips for students with different learning styles:

  • Visual Learners: Use visual aids like charts, graphs, flashcards, etc., to understand information better. Highlight important information in notes and textbooks. Make mind maps to retain information better.
  • Auditory Learners: Participate in class discussions and ask questions. Use audio recordings and study groups to understand information better. Read notes and textbooks out loud to retain information better.
  • Kinesthetic Learners: Get involved in hands-on activities like role-playing or building models. Use props and physical objects to help understand information. Take breaks to move around and stretch.

Students can improve their learning and retain information using the right learning styles.

Benefits of understanding and using your Learning Style

The benefits of understanding and using your learning style include improved academic performance, increased confidence, and reduced stress. By understanding your learning style, you can tailor your studying methods to suit your learning style, leading to better retention of information and a more enjoyable learning experience.


In conclusion, understanding your learning style is crucial to achieving academic success. Recognizing your strengths and weaknesses, you can adapt your studying methods to better suit your learning style. Better learning styles lead to improved academic performance, increased confidence, and reduced stress. So, take the time to determine your learning style and start reaping the benefits today!

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