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Peer to Peer Learning in the Workplace: How it's Reshaping Corporate Training

Peer-to-peer learning empowers employees to bridge the skills gap together. As an L&D, how can you make sure you’re doing it right?

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As a company, how can you build an effective learning environment for your employees? Nowadays, peer-to-peer learning is a must-have for every company and organization since the skills gap is continuing to widen. Industry experts are saying that it’s much more reasonable and cost-effective to train current employees than to hire new ones.

According to research conducted by HBR, Peer-to-peer learning is a powerful development tool that leverages existing expertise within organizations. It follows the "Learning Loop" model: gain knowledge, apply it through practice, receive feedback, and reflect on the learning.

Unlike traditional methods, peer learning creates a safe environment where employees feel comfortable taking risks and giving constructive feedback. It fosters management and leadership skills through group reflection conversations.

This article shows you how you can set up an effective program for your employees using the peer-to-peer learning method. We will share much detail on how to build a safe learning environment with ground rules, focus on real-world situations, and encourage networking.

But before that, let’s take a look at the benefits of using the peer learning approach in your corporate training.

Advantages of Peer-to-peer Learning in the Workplace

Knowledge Sharing: Peer learning facilitates the exchange of diverse knowledge and expertise among employees. It fosters a culture of continuous learning and growth.

Skill Development: Collaborating with peers allows employees to develop new skills and acquire practical insights through real-world experiences.

Increased Engagement: Engaging in peer-to-peer learning can boost employee motivation and satisfaction. In short, they feel valued and supported by their colleagues.

Enhanced Communication: Regular interactions during peer learning sessions improve communication skills and encourage open dialogue within the organization.

Cost-Effective: Peer learning can be a cost-effective learning strategy as it relies on internal resources rather than external trainers or programs.

Speed of Learning: Employees can acquire knowledge faster by learning from their peers, It is more relatable and tailored to specific work contexts.

Build Good Relationships: Learning together strengthens human relationships. Therefore, peer learning can build good relationships among employees, which can heighten synergy at work.

Disadvantages of Peer-to-peer Learning

Apparently, peer learning can have disadvantages when not implemented well. Let’s break down what are these and later on, we will share how you can turn these drawbacks into an advantage!

Inconsistent Quality: The quality of peer learning experiences may vary. Not all employees may possess the necessary expertise or teaching skills.

Misinformation: There is a risk of spreading incorrect information or practices if the knowledge shared is not validated or accurate.

Time Constraints: Peer learning may require additional time commitments from employees, potentially impacting their regular work duties.

Lack of Structure: Without proper guidance or structure, peer learning sessions might lack focus and fail to address specific learning objectives.

Social Dynamics: Peer learning can be affected by interpersonal dynamics or conflicts among colleagues, hindering the learning process.

Limited Scope: While peer learning is beneficial for certain topics, it might not cover specialized or complex subjects that require external expertise.

To maximize the advantages of peer learning and mitigate its disadvantages, organizations should establish clear guidelines. They should provide training for employees taking on the role of facilitators. Also, encourage a culture of collaboration and respect among team members.

To solve the disadvantages, here are some great examples of how you can implement effective peer-to-peer learning in the workplace:

How to Implement Effective Peer-to-Peer Learning in the Workplace?

1. Assess Learning Needs.

Before anything else, conduct an assessment among your employees. Identify the skills and knowledge gaps within the organization and determine which areas can benefit from peer learning. Conduct surveys, interviews, or performance assessments to gather employee input.

For instance, create a dedicated learning campaign for peer-to-peer assessment. Announce the initiative to all employees, emphasizing the importance of their input in shaping the organization's learning and development strategy.

Meanwhile, integrate Google Form or TypeForm in Teachfloor to make your survey handy!

2. Set Learning Guidelines.

By establishing clear guidelines for peer-to-peer learning programs, the organization can create a structured and consistent learning environment. Participants will have a clear understanding of the learning objectives, schedule, and success metrics. In short, this can foster a focused and effective approach to skill development. 

For example, outline a schedule for learning activities and sessions. Determine the frequency of meetings, whether they will be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, and specify the expected duration of each session.

3. Create a Learning Community for Employees.

Form learning groups or communities of practice based on shared interests or learning objectives. This learning community comes hand in hand with the learning guidelines. 

Leverage Teachfloor's built-in community feature to create learning groups based on shared interests or objectives. Employees can regularly meet on the platform. They can discuss topics, exchange ideas, and collaborate on projects.

Built-in community for peer-to-peer learning
Built-in Community

4. Identify Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).

Recognize employees with expertise in specific areas and encourage them to become peer mentors or facilitators. These SMEs can lead learning sessions and share their knowledge with their colleagues. 

5. Provide Training for SMEs.

Once you identify the structure and guidelines of your peer learning activity, provide training for those employees who will act as a facilitator. This is to avoid inconsistency in quality, misinformation, and confusion.

Although your employees are learning with peers, it’s important to have someone who will take the role of a leader to guide the whole group on the right learning path.

4. Facilitate Lunch & Learn.

Maximize Teachfloor's virtual meeting capabilities to facilitate "Lunch & Learn" sessions during lunchtime. Identify high-priority topics voted by the group and invite internal subject matter experts to informally share knowledge with junior employees. Utilize the platform's interactive tools for live Q&A, presentations, and discussions, promoting a seamless and engaging learning experience for all, regardless of their location.

Video conferencing tool for peer-to-peer learning
Set up your Lunch & Learn in Zoom or in other video conferencing tools.

5. Partner up Employees with Peers.

Whether it’s peer coaching, mentoring, or simply an accountability partner to learn a skill, partner up your employees with peers. This builds up great relationships, heightens synergy, and increases accountability, not just in learning but also at work.

6. Peer Review.

Implement peer review with a tool by encouraging employees to review and provide feedback on each other's work. For instance, in a design team, members can use Teachfloor's peer review feature to share their work-in-progress designs, allowing colleagues to provide constructive feedback on the designs' aesthetics, usability, and functionality.

In conclusion, this encourages a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration within the team.

Assessment tool for peer learning approach
Submission & Peer Review Tool

7. Celebrate Success Stories.

Inspire employees by celebrating their peer's success stories. Create a dedicated section in the platform's community for sharing achievements and accomplishments. Employees can post their success stories, whether big or small and receive recognition from their peers and leaders. This promotes a culture of continuous learning and recognition. It inspires others to strive for excellence and share their achievements within the organization.

8. Provide Resources in One Place.

Offer necessary resources and materials to support peer learning activities. Make it easier for employees to engage in the process. Teachfloor's centralized platform allows organizations to provide necessary learning resources and materials conveniently. Employees can access all relevant information from a single location, enhancing engagement and participation.

peer-to-peer learning platform for educators
All-in-one learning platform

9. Integrate Learning Contributions in Performance Reviews.

During performance reviews, managers should assess not only an employee's individual achievements but also their contributions to the learning and growth of others. For instance, recognize employees who have actively mentored or coached their peers and those who have consistently shared valuable insights.

Bridge the Skills Gap, Implement Peer-to-peer Learning

To sum it up, peer-to-peer learning is a game-changer in reshaping corporate training. It bridges the skills gap. It promotes a culture of continuous learning.

By implementing Teachfloor's powerful learning management system, companies can create an effective learning environment for their employees. Embrace the power of peer-to-peer learning for your organization. Witness a more agile, innovative, and engaged workforce that drives sustained success. Take the step towards building a thriving learning community today!

Bonus! Learn more about the role of Peer Learning in the Future of Education

Further reading

Peer Learning - The Future of Online Education
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Federico Schiano di Pepe

Peer Learning - The Future of Online Education

Let’s talk about Peer Learning. Find out why should you use it in your virtual classroom and how can you integrate it in your online class. Plus, additional knowledge on what learning platform to use to increase peer learning activities.

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